Quick Start

Beam is a flexible agent that is designed to run on servers, desktop machines, embedded computers, and any other general purpose computer. Linux, Mac, and Windows is supported.

Install (Linux / Mac)

Download Beam to ~/bin:

curl -L -u <ARTIFACTS_USERNAME> "https://us-west2-somewear-souvla.cloudfunctions.net/core-artifacts/beam/latest/beam-$(uname -m)-$(uname -s)" --output ~/bin/beam

Make binary executable:

chmod +x ~/bin/beam

Run help command to verify installation:

beam -h


Somewear APIs have strict authentication requirements. You'll receive a beam.properties file from the Somewear team which includes necessary credentials.

Create a Somewear config directory if it doesn't exist already:

mkdir -p ~/.config/somewear

Copy beam.properties to this directory.

Send a Message

A core feature of Somewear is chat. Beam allows you to send chat messages from the command line:

beam message send --content "Hello from Beam!" --phone "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>"

Last updated